Full tilt for Summer Adventures

Published on 07/01/22

As the summer warms up, so do Summer Adventures at the Library. Our most recent guest was Luke Walrath of Alpine Theatre Project. He has lots of experience with kids having fun in the theatre. We warmed up our bodies! We warmed up our voices! People stretching up high And then we became part of a story called “The Apple-Pip Princess.” Luke Walrath reads 8220The ApplePip Princess8221 And we vowed to participate in more live theatre because it was so much fun!

Happening at the Library:

Published on 06/24/22

Our first week of Summer Adventures is in the books (hee hee) and it was fun! We celebrated Make Music Day for the first time, with North Valley Music School. We had a preschool music class in the morning: Children and teacher at Music Together class

and in the afternoon, an Instrument Petting Zoo: People trying out musical instruments Do not fret if you missed these. NVMS will repeat these programs later in the summer – check our calendar.

On Thursday, Whitefish Lake Institute (WLI) came and we were Bug Detectives! After an introduction to Benthic Macroinvertebrates (aquatic animals without backbones that are large enough to see without a microscope), we observed these fascinating creatures in fresh streamwater captured that morning by Cynthia and her assistant, Sam from WLI. Girl and boy observing aquatic insects These attendees were gently scooping mayflies, stoneflies and more into their trays for close observation.


Alpine Theatre Project visits Thursday, June 30th at 10:30 a.m. Join us in the library’s Big Back Yard for acting warm-ups and antics hosted by ATP’s “Chief Evangelist” Luke Walrath. He keeps his plans a secret and we are never disappointed. Children warming up for acting practice These kids were following warm-up instructions at a previous year’s session.

AND DON’T FORGET – kids 18 and under can pick up a free lunch Mondays – Fridays from 11:20 to 11:40 a.m. in the library’s circular drive – absolutely free and no paperwork involved.

See you at the library!

Summer Adventures 2022

Published on 06/09/22

The library’s StoryCircle takes a break for the summer and Summer Adventures takes over beginning Monday, June 20th with the start of the Summer Reading Challenge. Sixteen events are scheduled throughout the months of June – August. Recurring programs continue as well. Check our calendar for details. children search for water bugs in stream water “Bug Detectives” search stream water for aquatic insects during the Whitefish Lake Institute’s program in 2021.

PLAYAWAYS – Something New at WCL!

Published on 05/20/22

For those who enjoy hands-free listening to books, and would like the freedom to do so without downloading files or connecting to the internet – Playaways are for you. These small devices fit in your pocket so are handy to take with you wherever you go. All you need is headphones or earbuds as a universal headphone jack is included. Come in and try a Playaway today. We’re starting our small collection with both adult and juvenile titles. girl listening and playaway device

Come READ With Us! Tuesday, Sept 20, 3:30

Published on 03/19/22

The Intermountain Therapy Animals’ Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.) are back! R.E.A.D. will be at the library on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 beginning September 20, 2022. Call the library at 862-9914 to sign up for a 15 minute session. Girl with dog reading a book together

Our Last Outdoor StoryCircle…

Published on 03/03/22

...was today (March 3rd) and we celebrated “Plant a Flower Day” which takes place on March 12. We sang songs and read stories (try this one: The Digger and the Flower).

We planted seeds in peat pellets and we’re looking forward to seeing them grow into beautiful sweet peas.

For some instant gratification, we created blooming flower pots with silk flowers and snow for soil!

We’ll see you next week in the community room on Thursday at 10:30, when we’ll have stories, songs and activities about Baking Day. Mom and girl with pot of silk flowers

StoryCircle Thursday, Feb. 24: Our Food Bank

Published on 02/23/22

**UPDATE: Our temps are too low for StoryCircle to be outside, but we’ll put our story panels up in the library so you can walk through the Food Bank story. And the first 3 families that visit can bring home their very own Snow Volcano! (Note: you will need to supply your own vinegar.) If you don’t make it in time to get a snow volcano, they are super simple to make – we have the instructions for you.

Our Thursday StoryCircle will be about Whitefish’s own North Valley Food Bank and the volunteers who make it go. We’ll be outside at 10:30 a.m. sheltered by the Depot Park Gazebo.

people dressed as peas and a carrot

Our outdoor StoryCircle happens in most weather, unless the temps are below 10F. At 10F and above, Miss Mary will be outside in her snow pants, ready for stories. She promises to make sure we move around enough to keep warm!

And if you dress warm enough, you’ll be able to stay until we make snow volcanoes!