Water Bugs to Birds

Published on 06/22/21

We were fascinated when Whitefish Lake Institute’s Cynthia Inglefinger brought us macroinvertebrates to examine. She explained how and why the WLI catches and releases these little creatures. Then we explored the fresh streamwater Cynthia brought. We looked and collected and matched bugs up with their pictures and almost forgot to go home! Cynthia tells how they caught water bugs

This week, one of our favorites visits the Library on Thursday, June 24 at 10:30 a.m. – Wild Wings Raptor Recovery! Come sit on the lawn on the east side of the Library while the experienced crew weaves between you with their “education birds” – raptors that can no longer live in the wild. There will be plenty of opportunities to observe and photograph these magnificent birds.

Got Bugs?

Published on 06/17/21

We hope to find some when Whitefish Lake Institute visits for our first Summer Reading event. Find out how to monitor the health of Whitefish Lake while exploring the small world of macroinvertebrates Thursday, June 17th at 10:30 a.m. outside on the west side of the library. Girl investigates water bugs

So You’re Asking About Summer Reading….

Published on 06/03/21

WCL is ready to go on Monday, June 14 when the Library’s Summer 2021 officially begins. Find out all about Summer Reading, family events, and off-site programs on our Summer 2021 at WCL webpage. And here’s a few hints of the fun in store….

Yes! Wild Wings will be back on June 24! woman holding barn owl

And in August we’ll have the Fourth Annual Edible Book Contest and Feast! Boy with book about bugs and cake with bugs

Restored Services June 1, 2021

Published on 05/30/21

We’re happy to announce that beginning June 1, 2021 the following services will be restored:

(Masks recommended)

Curbside service will continue to be offered.

Return to normal hours with the temporary exception of Saturdays.

Limited computer stations

Limited seating,

Newspaper/magazine availability

Scanner and Mircofilm Reader

Free Magazine shelf


Community Room will be available in the future but is currently unavailable.


Published on 04/29/21

Our website has been designed to accommodate all handicap patrons accessing our website from their different devices. Access to the card catalog is now on the header. Minutes, agendas, story time and forms are under ‘resources’. Please take a minute to explore the new design and feel free to call the library (406-862-9914) if you have any questions.


Published on 03/16/21

Whitefish Community Library joins the Whitefish Library Association in expressing our sincere gratitude to retiring WLA Board Member Jerry Hanson for his decades of support to both the Library and the Association (many of those serving as the president of the WLA Board) , and to Cheryl Hyland who has been the inspiration that has powered many of the Whitefish Library Association’s achievements during her tenure as a board member. Thank you! You will be missed.

Winter Recess Thursday, Feb. 18

Published on 02/18/21

The forecasters are forecasting a balmy 16 degrees F for 11 a.m. AND it’s a gorgeous sunny day! So we’ll brave it, have a short(ish) story and then we’ll find out how cold it has to be for bubbles to freeze. After that, the shovels and scoops and molds will be out for those who want to stay warm playing in the snow that finally arrived! Hope to see you (dress warm)! Two girls playing in snow