Return of R.E.A.D.!

Published on 09/07/23

Reading Education Assistance Dogs, AKA R.E.A.D., return the to Library on Tuesday, September 12. Get a reservation for a 10-minute spot between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. when you’re at the Library or give us a call at 406-862-9914.

R.E.A.D. will be at the Library every Tuesday until December 19th, except for Halloween.

Learn more about Reading Education Assistance Dogs HERE.

Boy reading to a therapy dog

Your Opinion Requested

Published on 08/29/23

The Library sees its share of tourists: we’re a second “chamber of commerce” for directions and information on local attractions; a respite from the hubbub of frenzied events; a space without commercial distractions for families, and of course, being surrounded by books is an ambiance in itself.

To that end, we encourage everyone to complete a survey put out by the Sustainable Tourism Management Plan committee. You can find more information and a link to the survey HERE.

OR you can pick up a paper copy at City Hall or the Library, and return it at either place. It’s your town, so let your thoughts be known. A room with chairs to read in and big windows in Whitefish Library

WCL Board of Trustees Special Meeting

Published on 08/14/23

Whitefish Community Library Board of Trustees will meet in a special meeting on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 5 p.m. via Zoom. The public is invited to attend.

Find the agenda HERE.

Link for Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 875 2767 6903 Passcode: wcl2023

Huckleberry Days and a New Hat: Closures

Published on 08/11/23

Please bear with us for a couple of closures at the end of the summer season!

Saturday, August 12 – we’re closed for the Saturday of Huckleberry Days, the last really big festival of the year.

Friday, August 18 though Sunday, August 20 – the Library will be getting new shingles during this time. Please avoid the outside book drop – shingles may be flying around as the old ones are removed. Montana State Library has adjusted due dates for items due those days – they’ll now be due Tuesday, August 22.

And just for fun, here’s a picture of the Good Grief Camp Quilt with its 1,161 stickers. That means that our sponsors American Bank, Glacier Bank, and Whitefish Credit Union will team up to donate $1,161 to the worthy nonprofit, Good Grief Camp. Wall Quilt with animal stickers attached

Edible was Incredible!

Published on 08/07/23

Thanks to our Edible Book Festival sponsor: Bookworks of Whitefish


Here are the winners of this year’s Edible Book Festival, held Saturday, August 5 (note: The People’s Choice Award was a 3-way tie):

Patience Award: 101 Dalmations by Disney – funfetti cake with 101 numbered oreo cookies. And remember, all the insides of those cookies had to be scraped off first! Creators: Tev & Aurora Tims. 101 Dalmations 8211 cake and oreos

Most Evocative of a Mysterious Atmosphere and People’s Choice Award: Gallant by V.E. Schwab – brownies, frosting, jam, graham crackers, fondant and red vines. This edible book featured a dark palette with a secretive door hidden amongst vines. Creator: Liliana Hoge. Gallant made with brownies frosting and red vines

Most Hauntingly Delicious_and_People’s Choice Award: House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland – white cake, frosting, raspberry jam, fake flowers. Was also considered for “Most Likely to be Eaten Award.” Creator: Freya Hoge House of Hollow edible book made from cake

Sweetest Sculpture: Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey – Rice Krispies treats, frosting, blueberries. The bear sculpted from Rice Krispies treats and frosted was the centerpiece of the edible version of this classic book. Creators: Shannon Hoge & Julia Hernandez Blueberries for Sal edible book made with Rice Krispies

Most Resourceful _and_People’s Choice Award: Super Mario Brothers by Random House – Radishes, peppers and basil from the home garden, pepperoncini, hardboiled egg, toast, cheese, and edible markers. All of the items in this edible book were sourced from the home garden or already in the fridge – no going to the store for special items. Creator: Jaxen Flores. Super Mario Bros made with veggies and cheese

Art and the Edible Book

Published on 08/01/23

The last week of Summer Fun 2023 is here with two more events before our pre-school year break.

Join us Thursday, August 3 at 10:30 when Stumptown Art Studio comes to visit. You’ll get to participate in a guided art experience and create an art project to remember your summer by. Here’s our Fish Art from a couple of years ago: Children displaying their fishthemed art

Then, are you ready to have your book and eat it too? The annual Edible Book Festival on Saturday, August 5th at 1:30 is a must! Come to enter your edible representation of a favorite book, or to view the creations your friends and neighbors have made, or to feast on edible books after the awards and prizes are given out. More info on how to register HERE. Meanwhile, feast your eyes on the edible version of “Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things That Go.” Edible version of a children8217s book

R.E.A.D. takes the stage

Published on 07/26/23

Their official name is Intermountain Therapy Animals but we affectionately know them as the “R.E.A.D. Dogs.” That’s Reading Education Assistance Dogs when you spell it out. They’ll be visiting Thursday, July 27 at 10:30 a.m. with Susie Gonaver. She’ll tell you about their mission and to introduce you to some of the lovely dogs that visit the Library and help kids practice reading. Come join us in the Community Room!

(PSST: register for the Edible Book Festival HERE.)

Boy petting a dog