Are You Yarn Curious?

Published on 03/24/23

Join the Fiber Artists of Montana group for their inaugural meeting at the library. We’re happy to sponsor this group of fiber crafters who welcome all skill levels and yarn crafts. They’ll meet every Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. Come on by, they can teach you! Fiber Artists of Montana logo For more information, call or text Ashley at (406)314-8148 or email

Learn to Program class on Mondays

Published on 03/06/23


This free class for all ages is facilitated by Patrick Brodie. It meets every Monday at 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Learn at your own pace by following a set curriculum with in-person tutoring or bring your coding project and ideas to get assistance planning and bringing it to life.

No prior experience with coding is required. Bringing a laptop is suggested. hands typing on keyboard Brodie is a software engineer and team leader with seven years’ experience including at NASA, Orbital Insight and Nautilus Labs. He previously facilitated the Learn to Code program at the library and he’s looking to foster an on-going community conversation centered around technology, creativity, and innovation.

WCL Board of Trustees Meeting March 8.

Published on 03/06/23

The public is welcome at the monthly meeting of the WCL Board of Trustees. The meeting this month is Wednesday, February 8 at 7 pm in the library’s Heckathorn room. Enter through the hallway door to the north (left) of the main doors of the library.

See below the picture for the ZOOM link to the meeting.

whitefish library entrance

Topic: WCL Board of Trustee’s Meeting Time: Feb 8, 2023 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 6113 6637

Passcode: morebooks

One tap mobile

+17193594580,,89861136637#,,,,334631119# US

+16694449171,,89861136637#,,,,334631119# US

Montana History Portal story writing contest is ongoing!

Published on 02/21/23

Get your story writing skills ready! The Montana History Portal is hosting the 3rd Annual Historical Picture Prompt contest.

The Montana History Portal is a service brought to you by your Montana State Library. Using any photo in the Portal collection participants will write a short story (650 words or less) and submit it to an online form. Winners will be chosen from grades 3-6, grades 7-12 and adult. The deadline to enter is March 17, 2023.

Check out the rules HERE.

Or just go to the Montana History Portal here. You will find plenty to entertain you. We found a picture of Montana’s US Senator Jon Tester back in the day, in his high school library in Big Sandy (second from left). MT History Portal Jon Tester in HS library

Spanish with Friends starts this week.

Published on 02/21/23

Hola 8211 hello in Spanish Spanish with Friends will have their first program this Thursday. Join us from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Heckathorn community room for practice speaking Spanish – all levels are welcome!

February 20: Presidents Day

Published on 02/17/23

The library will be closed on Monday, February 20 for Presidents Day. Or Presidents’ Day or maybe even President’s Day (although this version is not recommended). Librarians will leave it up to your favorite search engine for advice on how to punctuate the holiday.

We’ll reopen on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Map of USA with stars graphic

Valentines from R.E.A.D.

Published on 02/10/23

Our Reading Education Assistance Dogs will be at the Library on Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14th and every Tuesday through March at 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Come in to meet Ande, Kate and others with their kind partners. You might want to sign up to read to a dog!

THIS IS ANDE dog named Ande in valentine card

AND THIS IS KATE. dog named Kate in Valentine card