StoryCircle interruptions in November

Published on 11/04/21

StoryCircle has a number of interruptions during November. Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving close the library on Thursdays, the usual day for StoryCircle. Also, we regret the cancellation of the Nov. 4th session due to a staff health issue.

While we strive to bring continuity to our story program, we are simply unable to do so this month. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope to see you at November 18 StoryCircle at the usual time: 10:30 a.m. Please email any questions or concerns regarding StoryCircle to mom and girl coloring Humpty Dumpty


Published on 10/14/21

Whitefish Community Library introduces a new after-school program “Game Day”, a meetup for young people interested in playing board games. Ellen Rands will oversee the participants, primarily elementary and middle school youth , in the community room. The program will be offered every other Thursday beginning October 14 from 4-6pm. The goal is to create a local gaming community focusing on wholesome fun and friendships. Chaperones may be called on as this will not be a drop-off program.

Cuddly Stuffies Need a New Home

Published on 09/29/21

We are selling off some of our giant floor stuffies! Our giraffe, ladybug, porcupine, and octopus are big (see the box in the picture for perspective). The covers can be removed for washing. Call 862-9914 or visit the library for more information. large stuffed animals


Published on 09/09/21

The Whitefish Community Library will return to all normal operating hours on September 18. This means we’ll be open on Saturdays from noon until 5 p.m. Thank you for your patience. We will continue to monitor the COVID situation as part of our efforts to keep staff and patrons safe. Montana Room quiet reading area

StoryCircle begins Thursday, Sept. 9

Published on 09/02/21

WCL’s preschool story time returns as StoryCircle this fall, and everything will be familiar to our regulars – still on Thursdays, still at 10:30 a.m. and packed with stories, songs and activities for 2-4 year olds.

Until the Community Room reopens, StoryCircle will be outside in the library’s “back yard,” on the east side of the library just north of the Middle School playground.

If you haven’t come to one of our outside story times, you’re in for a treat. Preschoolers love being outdoors in a “stay together, play together” format with their favorite adults – their parents and caregivers. We hope to see you there! mom and girl coloring Humpty Dumpty


Published on 08/26/21

Whitefish’s Meals on Wheels program is $500 richer thanks to a pledge from the Whitefish Credit Union to readers signed up at the Whitefish Library’s Summer Reading Challenge. The Credit Union pledged $1 for every row readers completed in their tracking logs up to $500, with money earned earmarked for Whitefish Community Center’s Meals on Wheels delivery.

Adult reader attaching sticker to mural Reader stands next to completed mural

Enthusiastic readers took up the challenge, putting cobblestone stickers on a mural to “Pave the Way” for Meals on Wheels delivery. Before the end of Summer Reading Challenge, readers had earned the entire $500 pledge, placing 1,190 stickers on the mural. Altogether, 263 readers read 4,958 hours. That’s 7 months of reading, day and night! Way to go, Summer Reading Challenge readers!

Mom 38 toddler attach sticker to mural

Whitefish Pilot Index

Published on 08/18/21

The library is currently in the process of updating the Whitefish Pilot Index link. We appreciate your patience. The Whitefish Pilot microfilm from 1904 is available as is the microfilm reader. If you know the date of the information you need we can easily access the article.