Book Reviews

the Innocent

Published on 09/06/12



The Innocent is the very newest Baldacci thriller – just out in April 2012. Will Robie is the hitman called on to eliminate enemies of the U. S. when all else has failed, including the military, the FBI and the police. His missions take him all over the world, and his life is lonely and secretive at all times. So far he has been successful; otherwise he would be dead.

Suddenly his mission is close to home, which is unusual. Its in Washington D.C. Everything is out of control – and he reacts in an unusual way – he refuses to kill . The person involved is a 14 year old girl – supposedly a runaway from a foster home. There is something about Julie that makes him want to help her instead of turning her in. She is intelligent, careful, and brave, but she desperately needs help and Robie finds he can’t abandon her.

As Julie finally decides to trust him, they are on their own and Robie finds out her parents, who loved her, have been murdered. The hunt is on and Robie can’t even trust his own people.

Somebody is playing him and the cover-up may involve people in very high places.

Robie finds himself being contacted by ” Blue Man ”, who is from the Bureau in the highest category, and asks Robie to help. Robie agrees, but secretly his first priority is turning out to be Julie and he has to keep her hidden for her safety until he can clear her name. Various characters emerge, such as Agent Vance, a woman from the FBI on duty in the White House. Annie Lambert, a resident in Robie’s condo apartment building makes herself available and Robie finds her attractive, much to his surprise !

Will Robie finds himself forced to play a different game in order to save Julie and even himself. The action is non- stop , spell binding and remarkably innovative. The Innocent is a mystery thriller in the here and now.

Published: GRAND CENTRAL PUBLISHING Hachette Book Group 237 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Copyright: © 2012 By: Columbus Rose, Ltd. Reviewed: 05/15/12 – 351 Copyright: © 2012 by Joan G. Smith 351