Whitefish Library Policies
2032. Public Participation Policy
The Whitefish Community Library (WCL) Board of Trustees welcomes public input at its meetings. Each agenda item (unless specified otherwise) will be open for public input at the end of the Trustees’ item discussion. At the beginning of the meeting, there will be public comment time for any items not on the agenda.
To assure adequate notice and assist in public participation, the agenda will be posted at least 48 hours before the meeting on the Library doors and the WCL and City of Whitefish websites.
Generally, the Board meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month, at 7:00 PM. On occasion, the Board may call a special meeting or need to change the time and date of the monthly meeting. Notice of such changes will be given at least 48 hours before the meeting and will be posted on the locations listed above.
Everyone wishing to speak must sign in with their name, address, and contact information to allow for accurate spelling of names and identification of those speaking on the various items for inclusion in the official minutes of the meeting. The form will be available on the table in the meeting room.
Comments may be given orally or in writing. Since time is limited, the Board Chair reserves the right to set reasonable time limits for public input on each topic. A person may be limited to three minutes per agenda item. Written comments should be submitted to the Library director at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Members of the public unable to attend in person may contact the Library director to attend via available electronic means. The WCL phone number is 406-862-9914.
Approved by the Whitefish Library Board of Trustees January 8, 2025.
Jessica Tubbs, Board Chair.